Wholesale – DIY


Grass 1 Australia can supply the synthetic grass along with all the associated materials should you decide to DIY. Send through your plans and we can plan out your project for you and provide you with the right advice to get the best result. When you purchase your grass from us we can provide a DIY video taking you through all the steps from base construction & preparation through to laying the synthetic grass. We can provide you with a full range of samples from Tigerturf and advice on which products will work best in your environment.


Call us with your site dimensions, we’ll plan your project and supply a quotation including everything you’ll need to obtain the best result. Alternatively we can visit your site, take dimensions, provide advice re the most appropriate products and deliver you a competitive quotation to supply & deliver everything to site. Alternatively you can engage us to complete the works for you as we do for many of Melbourne’s leading landscape builders.

Summer Envy 44

Summer Envy 44 – Specification sheet

Summer Envy 35

Summer Envy 35 – Specification sheet – Available on request

Serenity 30

Serenity 30 – Specification sheet – Available on request

Serenity 40

Serenity 40 – Specification sheet – Available on request


Tiger Play Specification Sheet – Available on request

Indian Summer 35

Indian Summer 35 Specification Sheet – Available on request

Pure Putt

Pure Putt Specification Sheet – Available on request